These are the main stories from today's Maltese newspapers. 

The Panama scandal involving Minister Konrad Mizzi and the Prime Minister's chief of staff Keith Schembri continued dominating the front pages of most newspapers. 

Times of Malta reports that the government’s anti-money laundering agency issued clear information to local financial institutions how Panama was still in the process of addressing deficiencies in its laws to counter the practice. It also reports that the government has doubled its payout offer to monti hawkers to €80,000 in a bid to reduce the number of stalls.

The Malta Independent says economist Gordon Cordina had severed links with Nexia BT after links with the Panama scandal were exposed.

L-orizzont reports Prime Minister Joseph Muscat saying that he favoured gay marriage and that he felt a discussion should start about the topic. It also reports a Eurobarometer survey saying that 85 per cent of the Maltese were satisfied with the economy.

In-Nazzjon says the Panamagate scandal also involved the cash-for-passports scheme, implying an Indian businessman wanted for money laundering. It also reports deputy leader Beppe Fenech Adami expressing disappointment with the Prime Minister's reaction to the Panama scandal. 

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