The Yachting Malta BSC International Regatta drew to a close on Sunday afternoon when the final races for the four-day sailing bonanza took place.

Hosted by Birzebbugia Sailing Club, and supported by the Malta Sailing Federation and Yachting Malta, the regatta, now in its fourth year, played host to approximately 100 sailors from nine nations, including Slovenia, the Netherlands, Bulgaria, Japan, Germany, Tajikistan, Lithuania, Turkey, and Malta.

While the weather conditions allowed both the ILCA and Optimist fleets to race each day, the varying conditions presented a challenge for the race officers, Miguel Amaral (Optimist Class) and Bojan Gale (ILCA Class), who adapted to the changing circumstances.

In total, the ILCA Class completed 12 races, while the Optimist Senior, Cadet, and Beginners fleets completed 11 and 10 races respectively.

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