Chiswick House School (CHS) recently held its Maltese week, which has become an annual tradition at the school.

This year, the focus was not only on literature, but also music, food and traditional toys, lace and filigree.

Writer Charles Casha visited the school and spent time with children from Junior 4 and Junior 5. Television personality Valerie Vella entertained the Junior 3 students with puppetry and role playing. Anita Seguna, writer head of the CHS Junior School, spent a morning reading some of her stories and helping children with conversation and games.

A whole day was dedicated to Maltese traditional food. A buffet was set up in each classroom; this included bigilla, ġbejniet, ħobż biż-żejt, fażola, galletti and żebbuġ.

On another day, the school foyer was transformed into a Maltese traditional crafts village, where a weaving loom and traditional handmade toys, as well as filigree items, were put on display. The students learned about the items on display and how they functioned.

Singer and songwriter Maryanne Zammit also visited the school to entertain the Early Years while The Greenfields spent an afternoon at the Junior School singing traditional Maltese sing-a-longs from their repertoire.

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