A man who is currently charged with a 2013 murder and is out on bail has been jailed for two years after he admitted to burgling a house in December.

Ronald Urry, 60, was charged with stealing from a house in Paola on December 8, escaping from police custody, threatening police, relapsing and breaching the conditions of previous court judgments.

He admitted to the charges and was jailed for two years by Magistrate Lara Lanfranco. 

Urry, together with Jason Galea, stands accused of the murder of Matthew Zahra in 2013.

They were granted bail in 2014.

Zahra had been reported missing in 2013 and his remains were later found buried in a field near Birżebbuġa along with those of drug baron Mario Camilleri, known as L-Imniehru, and his son Mario.

Jason Galea and George Galea were charged with the murder of the Camilleris.

They are awaiting trial.

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