A 40-year-old man from Ghana who admitted to having assaulted and slightly injured two policemen in Valletta yesterday was today sentenced to a six-month jail term suspended for a year.
Asanti Kwasi also admitted to refusing to give his particulars to the officers and breaching the peace.
Inspector G Scerri prosecuted.
In a separate arraignment, Issa Haydar Ahmedsharif, a 30-year-old Somali, was held in remand after having been accused of holding a woman against her will and committing sexual offences. The alleged incident happened yesterday. He was also accused of breaking the conditions of a previous court sentence. He pleaded not guilty.
Inspectors L Calleja and G Azzopardi prosecuted.
In a third arraignment, Simon Vella, 45 of Birżebbuga was accused of threatening three people, threatening and slandering two court marshals, damaging a car and refusing to obey police orders.
He pleaded not guilty and was granted bail. Inspector C Fabri prosecuted.