A man who was charged with breaching several bail conditions three months ago was back in court on Monday once again charged with ignoring his court-imposed curfew.

This time Melvin Debono said he had gone out to pick up his girlfriend's 15-year-old niece after she snuck out of the house and went to Paceville.

Melvin Debono, 33, was charged with breaching his bail conditions on January 12 at about 2am in Paceville. He pleaded not guilty to the charges. 

Police Inspector John Lee Howard told court that the St Julian’s police officers had spotted Debono outside Havana at about 2am. He was arrested as he was in breach of bail.

He cooperated with police and told officers he had gone to pick up a 15-year-old relative. The teenage girl took the stand and said that on the day she was meant to sleep at the house of Debono and her aunt (Debono’s partner).

She snuck out to Paceville while they were out for dinner. Later that evening someone called her aunt and Debono to inform them she was in Paceville. She said she should not have been there as she was not allowed to go to Paceville. 

On seeing Debono, Magistrate Kevan Azzopardi told the accused “three months ago you had the same exact case” adding that, if the charges were proven, it just showed that he never learnt from his lessons.

“What is the message we are sending to people out there?” the magistrate asked.

In October 2024 Debono appeared before the same magistrate charged with breaching the curfew imposed by his bail conditions when he was spotted in Paceville at 4am. 

Back then his defence lawyers told the court that it was a one-time incident and not a prolonged breach of curfew or failing to sign the bail book.

The accused had also said he was sorry to the prosecuting inspector immediately and told him he had no intention of doing it again. 

Debono was fined €2,000 and ordered to give up €1,500 in deposits and personal guarantee money from each of his five bail decrees, for a total of €6,000.

Among others, Debono has been granted bail over various cases including a massive €800,000 drug haul, a shooting incident in Paola and the torching of a boat in a Sliema arson incident. 

On Monday he requested bail but will remain in custody until the magistrate decides on his request. 

The case was put off for judgment on January 28. 

Lawyers Jose Herrera, Marion Camilleri and Franco Debono represented the accused.

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