A man was denied bail on Monday after pleading not guilty to producing pornographic material with his former girlfriend who is a minor.

The 23-year-old Syrian, who lives in Marsascala, and whose name has been banned from publication, pleaded not guilty to charges of trafficking, involving himself in pornographic activities and producing pornographic material featuring a minor under the age of 16.

Testifying in court on Monday, prosecuting inspector John Spiteri said the minor reported the accused because she feared he would sell or share pornographic footage of the two of them when their relationship ended.

He said the minor was residing in a children’s residential home but had "run away" to live with the accused when the two were in a relationship.

The alleged victim told the police the accused would force her to take part in pornographic activities which he would film.

When the police searched the accused's phone, they found pornographic material similar to what the minor reported. He was arrested on February 17.

The accused pleaded not guilty to the charges in front of Magistrate Noel Bartolo.

The defence did not request bail, and the accused was remanded in custody. A protection order was issued for the minor.

Lawyers Michael Muscat and Etienne Savona appeared for the Attorney General.

Inspector John Spiteri and Dorianne Tabone prosecuted.

Lawyer Rachel Tua was legal aid.

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