A man was on Wednesday charged with hitting his former partner after she went to watch a football match without informing him.

The 33-year-old Turkish national was also charged with threatening the victim and destroying her property by tearing her clothes with a knife.

Both names have been redacted to protect the victim’s identity.

Lawyer Franco Debono, who represented the victim, told a court the argument began as the man accused her of going to watch a football game without informing him.

The prosecution informed a court that, on March 3 at 4pm, the police were informed of an argument at a residence in Swieqi.

They went to the site, where the victim told them she had suffered injuries.

The court issued a protection order for the victim and denied the accused’s bail request, fearing he may flee the country.

Magistrate Nadia Helena Vella presided over the case.

Inspector Antonello Magri prosecuted.

Defence lawyer Alex Scerri Herrera represented the accused.

Lawyers Debono and Marion Camilleri were parte civile.

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