A man died on Sunday afternoon after falling off a jet ski in Ħondoq ir-Rummien bay in Gozo, the police said in a statement. 

The incident occurred at around 1.30 pm when police were called for assistance after a 27-year-old man and a 25-year-old woman, both from France, fell of a jet ski in the bay in Qala, Gozo.

The pair were given first aid by a civilian who was in a dinghy nearby and medical assistance was sought because the man had fallen unconscious. 

The 27-year-old was given first aid on-site and was taken to the Gozo General Hospital in an ambulance. He was pronounced dead shortly after. 

A police spokesperson told Times of Malta that it did not appear that the 25-year-old woman suffered any injuries. 

Duty magistrate Brigette Sultana was informed of the case and ordered a magisterial inquiry. A police investigation into the incident is still ongoing. 

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