A Libyan man raised a ruckus in court yesterday, repeatedly yelling “Allah u akbar” and accusing Magistrate Gabriella Vella and police inspector Joseph Busuttil of being “Mafiosi”.

The man, who was arraigned for a bail contravention, went into hysterics upon being informed that his lawyer, Robert Attard Montalto, could not make it to the hearing.

He yelled that his human rights had been violated and that he had been beaten up by the police. Efforts were made to find a legal aid lawyer, and the man who was eventually represented by Yana Micallef Stafrace.

On hearing that his request for bail had been denied, the man set off on a foul-mouthed tirade, ranting that the Maltese were living off the funds of former Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi.

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