A man who was filmed smashing a car and wielding a knife has been handed a suspended sentence and ordered to stay away from his victim. 

Fabien Mifsud was arrested on Sunday after the violent incident on a Żabbar street where he lived. 

He appeared in court on Tuesday, when he admitted damaging the victim’s car, carrying a knife outside his home without the necessary police permit as well as wilfully breaching the public peace.

Mifsud had apparently long been having trouble with the victim, who disapproved of his daughter's friendship with Mifsud, who is 20 years her senior.

Footage of the incident was shared on Tiktok.

Matters apparently came to a head on Sunday when Mifsud spotted the woman’s father outside his home. 

He allegedly confronted the victim with a knife. The victim fled to safety. 

But Mifsud grabbed a metal rod and proceeded to smash the windows of the victim’s Nissan March that was parked on the street. 

Footage of the incident was subsequently posted on social media.

Officers from the Żabbar police station, alerted about the violent incident, came across Mifsud in an agitated state and arrested him. 

Defence lawyer Franco Debono argued that the incident was triggered by the victim’s attitude. 

When making submissions on punishment the defence underlined the accused’s early guilty plea and his willingness to reimburse the victim for the damages caused. 

Prosecuting inspector Antonello Magri agreed with the defence’s suggestion for a suspended sentence but requested a restraining order in favour of the victim and his wife. 

The court, presided over by Magistrate Caroline Farrugia Frendo, condemned the accused to a six-month jail term suspended for one year and ordered him to pay €980 in damages within six months. 

A restraining order was also issued in favour of the victim and his wife. 

Inspector Antonello Magri prosecuted. Lawyers Franco Debono and Charles Mercieca were defence counsel. 

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