A man has been jailed after his attempt to break into a private residence in Valletta led to a police chase through the city.

He pleaded guilty on Monday after the police caught him on Sunday evening.

Ivan Galea, a 45-year-old Valletta resident, was arrested after the chase when the police caught up with him in Old Mint Street, shortly after being alerted to the presence of a suspect thief trying to break into the residence.

The incident took place at around 7.15pm.

The police later issued a statement saying the man had been carrying tools used to try to force open the front door of the house.

Upon his arraignment, the man pleaded guilty to attempted theft, trespassing as well as relapsing. 

The court, presided over by magistrate Natasha Galea Sciberras, declared the accused guilty on his own admission and condemned him to an 18-month jail term.

Inspector Jeffrey Scicluna prosecuted. Lawyer Charmaine Cherrett was defence counsel.

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