Written, originally in French, by Yasmina Reza and translated into English by Christopher Hampton, this new production of God of Carnage which will be performed at Manoel Theatre, will be directed by Andrè Agius and performed in English by four renowned local actors: Chris Dingli, Charlotte Grech, Chiara Hyzler and Pierre Stafrace.

God of Carnage is an exceptional dark comedy and one of the most celebrated plays of the last two decades. It premiered in Zurich in 2006 before moving to Paris, where it won the Molière Award for Best Play.

The play made its West End debut in 2008 starring an ensemble cast that included Ralph Fiennes, Tamsin Grieg, Ken Stott and Janet McTeer.

In its Broadway debut in 2009 the cast included Jeff Daniels, Hope Davis, James Gandolfini, and Marcia Gay Harden. Since then, the play has been performed in theatres around the world, captivating audiences with its sharp wit and exploration of human behaviour.

Pierre Stafrace and Charlotte GrechPierre Stafrace and Charlotte Grech

The play takes you into the world of high-stakes parental conflict which delves into the chaos that ensues when two sets of parents come together to discuss a playground quarrel between their 11-year-old sons. As tensions rise and civility crumbles, this Olivier and Tony award-winning play offers a hilarious and scathing commentary on modern social dynamics.

Audiences are invited to view this gripping exploration of human nature and the thin veneer of civilisation.

God of Carnage is on at the Manoel Theatre from June 6 to 9 of at 8pm. Tickets from teatrumanoel.mt or from the Manoel Theatre box office in Valletta.

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