MAPFRE Malta and Caritas partnered on December 19 to host a Christmas corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiative aimed at supporting the elderly in the community.

Almost 100 guests attended the event.Almost 100 guests attended the event.

The event welcomed nearly 100 guests and provided an evening filled with warmth and camaraderie. Hosted by MAPFRE Malta, attendees enjoyed a variety of finger foods prepared by Ta’ Xmun caterers.

Entertainment for the evening featured performances that resonated across generations, prompting some guests to dance along to the classic tunes of the 1950s and 1960s played by a local band.

Ana Cristina Zammit Munro, chief marketing officer at MAPFRE Malta, expressed gratitude, saying: “We appreciate the collaboration with Caritas and the participation of everyone involved. It was heartwarming to witness the joy among our elderly guests and the community’s support during this festive season.”

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