The quarterly bilingual periodical, Madonna Ta’ Pinu (Number 199, Vol. 17) has been published.

The theme of the periodical is ‘Mary, the Ark of the New Covenant’. Various contributors offer topics related to Mary, accompanied by meaningful and colourful pictures. One of the contributions provides an overview of Marian figures and symbols, while another writer interprets the two icons of the Synod.

History lovers and collectors of items will enjoy reading about medals awarded to Maltese servicemen in the British Forces during World War I and which are now part of the sanctuary’s ex-voto collection. Other articles include one on Ċirku9Ġrajja – the concept and the concerts by Schola Cantorum Jubilate, a report on the 25th Mariological and Marian International Congress and a review of the book Santa Maria ta’ Gentile. Other contributions include anecdotes of Marian devotion on an international scale and a diary of events at the Ta’ Pinu Sanctuary during the past months.

The periodical has been published for the past 42 years. Subscription to the Madonna Ta’ Pinu periodical costs €15 (local), €21 (Europe), other countries €25. Those who would like to subscribe are to contact the rector, Fr Gerard Buhagiar, on 2155 6187 or send an e-mail to

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