Joseph Zammit of Iklin (June 7) is calling for all those in favour of a change of the new hospital's name from Sptar Mater Dei to Sptar San Gorg Preca to sign some sort of petition.

While, like all Maltese living in Malta and abroad, I am proud of God's gift to the Maltese nation and to the universal church of this new saint in the figure of Gorg Preca, I am not in favour at all of a change of name; and I explain why.

Mater Dei means Mother of God, Omm Alla. Could there be a more befitting name for such a particular institution? Our Lady suffered seeing her one and only Son undergoing the passion and finally crucified. Surely a hospital deserves a name for someone who is known to be the mother of all sufferings. In the Litany of Our Lady, we invoke her as Regina Sanctorum Omnium - Queen of all Saints - Regina tal-Qaddisin kollha.

While appreciating the enthusiasm the people have shown and felt during these last days celebrating the canonisation of St George Preca, I earnestly augur that this enthusiasm remains in the hearts of us all because that is what really matters.

Naming hospitals, schools, institutions, streets and even perhaps dedicating a church in honour of St George Preca, is of secondary importance. What pays, is having the Maltese nation adhering more to the teachings of the Gospel just as St George did during his lifetime.

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