Maxine Pace has won the fourth edition of the festival Mużika Mużika.

Held over three nights during which Maltese music was celebrated, the festival came to an end on Saturday with the announcement that Pace’s Mhux tal-Aħħar, music by Cyprian Cassar, lyrics Emil Calleja Bayliss, was the winner.

“I still cannot believe what is happening,” Pace said as soon as she was annouced winner. She thanked all her fans and all those who offered support.

Vjaġġ Sabiħ, interpreted by Kantera, music by Kantera and Micimago, lyrics by Joe Julian Farrugia, came second while Fil-Qrib, interpreted by Cliff Zammit Stevens, music Philip Vella, lyrics Joe Julian Farrugia, came third.

The winning song gets €20,000, the second placed €10,000 and the third placed €5,000.

The festival also awarded conductor Aurelio Belli for the best musical arrangement with the song 3 ta’ Ġunju 2021 and singer Giada for best interpretation with the song Imħabba Vera

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