MCAST students who could not sit for their exams or assessments due to union directives will receive an automatic ‘administrative pass’.

In a circular issued on Friday, students were told they would automatically progress into the next academic year.

“An administrative pass will be assigned to unassessed study units with unavailable final grades,” it said.

The decision was made after the Malta Union of Teachers ended its industrial action, which included a directive not to hand out marks to students.

When the dispute was resolved last week, students were told they can now receive their exam and assignment marks.

But those who missed out on sitting their exams will get an administrative pass, which will allow them to automatically continue their course from one year to another or automatically progress from one MQF level to another.

The number of students this will affect remains unclear. Questions have been sent to the education ministry.

Students can then attempt to convert their administrative pass into a final grade “at the earliest opportunity” but will retain their pass even if they fail pending or repeat assessments, according to the circular.

MCAST said the measures were due to the “exceptional extenuating circumstances” that occurred towards the end of the year.

These circumstances resulted from recent directives, including students not being presented with their exam or assessment marks and staff being asked to limit communication with students, management and administration.

In a statement last Friday, the union said it had agreed on a way forward with the government that will lead to a “satisfactory conclusion” of negotiations for a new collective agreement.

Other directives that remain in force include an order to student support services staff not to answer phone calls or act on any communication from administration and management, excluding emergencies and crises.

The college aims for any outstanding results to be released by July 26 and students are encouraged to contact their institute’s administration office with any queries.

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