Is-Saħħa Mentali tiegħi fuq il-post tax-Xogħol (Mental Health at the place of work) was the title of a mental health conference organised by the Mental Health Association Gozo at the Gozo Ministry in Victoria. It is estimated that one in five people at the workplace experience a mental health condition.

Over 150 people from all walks of life attended the conference, which was moderated by TV presenter Mark Lawrence Zammit. Among the various speakers were psychiatry chairman Anton Grech (right) and mental health commissioner John Cachia. TV personality Stephanie Spiteri shared her life experience with the audience.

The conference was brought to an end with an address by Gozo Minister Justyne Caruana.

Towards the end of the conference, the association launched next year’s conference which will deal with mental health in childhood.

Present for the conference were also Steward Healthcare Malta executive director and president Nadine Delicata and Gozo General Hospital head Joseph Fenech.

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