The Mepa board has rejected applications to sanction illegal extensions and other development in a hard stone quarry at Santa Katerina, limits of Rabat.

The Authority said three applications were dismissed on the recommendation of the Enforcement Directorate after the owners continued with illegal development despite several Stop and Enforcement Orders.

Seven enforcement notices had been issued, regarding quarrying outside the permitted boundaries, construction of new structures, extensions to the existing building, illegal dumping of non-inert waste and illegal mineral extraction.

Another application for the extension and sanctioning of part of the same quarry was deferred by one week following a request made by the owner's architect since the architect wanted more time to confirm the permitted quarry boundary.

The MEPA meeting was also attended by the Rabat Mayor and a number of Santa Katerina residents, who spoke about the inconveniences that they suffer from  quarry operations.

"The Board reiterated that that it will not accept any breaches or illegalities," Mepa said.  "Nobody is above the law, and Mepa is stepping up efforts against all sectors. Action that befits the nature of the illegalities will be taken irrespective of where these result."

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