Metsola receives YMCA's Roots for Peace Award award

Award aims to empower youths as peace builders

April 3, 2024| Times of Malta 1 min read
Roberta Metsola receives the award from YMCA officials. Roberta Metsola receives the award from YMCA officials.

YMCA Europe has handed the Roots for Peace Award to the president of the European Parliament, Roberta Metsola.

The Roots for Peace Award aims to empower youths as peace builders.

Metsola said she was  honoured to receive the award on behalf of the European Parliament. “Europe is a project of peace, and I am proud that the European Parliament continues to be a bastion of freedom, democracy and rights. At a time where our values ​​are being threatened, with two wars being fought on Europe’s borders, we need more efforts to safeguard peace.”

Metsola added that since its inception, the YMCA has sought to promote and protect young people’s interests around the world, a goal shared by the European Parliament.

She thanked YMCA Europe for their commitment, “as we continue to empower the next generation of Europeans.” 

YMCA offers diverse global services including accommodation, arts, camping, children's programs, education, health, publishing, sports, religion, and aquatics, focusing on youth development and community well-being.

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