The president of the European Parliament, Roberta Metsola, on Monday unveiled new livery on Lufthansa Group aircraft encouraging people to vote in the European Parliament elections in June.

The ceremony took place at Brussels International Airport.

Aircraft from Lufthansa, Eurowings, Austrian Airlines and Brussels Airlines were paraded with "Yes to Europe" logos on their fuselage.

Metsola was joined by Lufthansa CEO Carsten Spohr and Belgian Prime Minister Alexander De Croo, who spoke in favour of a strong and free Europe. 

Metsola said that as an MEP for Malta, she was delighted to see Lufthansa Group not only championing democracy, but also realising the potential of Malta,  investing and providing careers to almost 500 people.

"This is the Europe we want to see: A Europe of jobs, of investment, and opportunity. We will keep flying our flag high,” she said. 

“For us, free movement and travel is obvious. For us, free elections are the cornerstone of European democracy. But in a world where war is no longer unthinkable and fewer people live in a democracy than outside of one, we cannot take democracy for granted.” She concluded by underlining that every voice, every vote, matters. “Don’t let others decide your future for you. Go out and vote.”

Lufthansa Group’s CEO said: “Soon millions of citizens will have the opportunity to shape the future of the European Union. Now more than ever, it is up to all of us to use our votes in the European elections to stand up for democracy and a united and free continent. This is the prerequisite for a strong location and a strong economy.”

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