The Malta Financial Services Authority said on Wednesday it has become aware of an entity operating under the name of Quickx or CNexchnage, which has an internet presence here, here, and here.

The entity is promoting services as an online digital asset trading platform for digital currency.

The MFSA said the entity is not licensed or otherwise authorised by the MFSA to provide any financial services that are required to be licensed or otherwise authorised under Maltese law.

Information available to the MFSA also suggests that it is likely to be a scheme of dubious nature with a high risk of loss of money.

The public should therefore refrain from undertaking any business or transactions with the above-mentioned entity, the MFSA said.

It reminded consumers of financial services not to enter into any financial services transaction unless they have ascertained that the entity with whom the transaction is being made is authorised to provide such services.

Investors should also be extra cautious when approached with offers of financial services through unconventional channels such as telephone calls or social media.

A list of entities licensed by the MFSA can be viewed on the official website of the MFSA.

Scam victims or people who think they might be dealing with an unauthorised entity or any other type of financial scam should stop all transactions with the company and contact the MFSA here as soon as suspicion arises. 

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