The Malta Hotels and Restaurants Association commends the initiative announced by the Malta International Airport to waive airline landing fees this winter, in an effort to stimulate traffic during this lean period. 

“This is certainly a step in the right direction which should encourage all relevant parties to give this initiative some thought and see how they can also contribute further to make Malta more competitive, especially now that the market has become extremely price sensitive.”

The MHRA said winter is a very tough for everyone in the tourism industry and a collective effort to stimulate more business to Malta can make a positive difference.

“It is traditional that hotels slash their prices to rock bottom levels throughout most of the loss-making winter months in an effort to generate more business, as this helps them to remain open. Airlines generally do the same and so do a number of other services providers of the industry.”

The association has, over the years, encouraged the government do the same by applying  discounted rates on state charges, such as utility rates, or introduce initiatives that could help hotels become more competitive and stay open throughout winter.

Such incentives would enhance employment levels, it said.

“The MHRA encourages the government to find ways of supporting hotels throughout the winter months. Malta is, traditionally, an all-year-round destination and it is crucially important that it remains so.”

MHRA president George Micallef said, “this move does not only give credit to MIA as an invaluable stakeholder of the tourism industry in Malta, but it should catalyse other stakeholders to consider similar initiatives which can possibly generate further growth in tourism during the winter months.

“Such an effort will lead to a positive economic multiplier effect which benefits all.  We are passing though very sensitive and dynamic economic times, and the MIA incentive communicates to all that Malta means business. The MHRA remains disposed to cooperate and support such initiatives”      

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