The retirement package given to Parliamentary Secretary Michael Falzon by Bank of Valletta was also been given to a relative of a former Nationalist Party leader, Dr Falzon said today.

Speaking during the Budget debate in Parliament, he said that he left the bank after 35 years of impeccable service and the person given a similar package had been asked to retire as his service was not up to standard.

On the 65-year temporary emphyteutical concession given to Bank of Valletta for the House of the Four Winds, he said that the people received a €4.6 million gift out of the deal.

This had been leased to the bank by the previous administration until 2040 at an annual payment of €29,000.

The new lease was extended to 65 years with an annual payment of some €34,000, revisable every five years.

On the Siggiewi Labour Party club encroachment renewal, he said this was identical to the previous contract except for a higher rent.

He criticised the council for carrying out works without the necessary permit, leading it to receive warnings from the planning authority and having illegally installed electricity removed by Enemalta.

The minister said that the government would soon pay expropriation due of sums €50,000 and under.

He also said that the solar farms policy was to be concluded soon.

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