Malta was the first nation in the world to implement a certification mechanism that provides legal assurance for new systems. Through the newly launched project spearheaded by the Malta Digital Innovation Authority (MDIA), in collaboration with and Malta Communications Authority (MCA), the Maltese digital economy is continuing to strive in giving importance to cybersecurity, which will impact digital innovation. These targets will be achieved through the Mind the Gap scheme and its objectives.

The MDIA serves to key functions. It is a regulator specifically focused on innovative technologies, and it is an enabler and facilitator of innovative technologies through various incentives announced from time to time. On the other hand,’s mandate is to promote the digital economy, innovations, incentives and schemes with enterprises and start-ups. 

Businesses continue to invest in the provision of online services. This is not only to address the client’s requirements but also because it has become necessary tool for cutting-edge operations, cost-cutting and above all to remain competitive.

A study held in 2021 by the MCA about internet use and businesses’ commerce showed a clear change in the mentality of how investment in technology is perceived, with 93 per cent of businesses stating a positive perspective. The COVID-19 pandemic served as a catalyst for the change in the businesses and small and medium enterprises sector. Of these businesses, only one per cent mentioned verifications for weaknesses and vulnerabilities as security measures taken to protect the online data and the clients’ data. The pandemic brought about an increase in online shopping behaviour. Even before the pandemic and Brexit, there was an increase of 58 per cent in the number of online shoppers that buy from local businesses online. This survey also found that security is the most general concern of users when shopping online, with 34 per cent of respondents highlighting it as the main factor.

Mind the Gap comprises two schemes to assist the private sector in evaluating and improving the platform’s cybersecurity. The first phase is the Cybersecurity Self-Assessment while the second is the Cybersecurity Improvement scheme.

Mind the Gap provides an opportunity for e-commerce businesses to evaluate their platform’s cybersecurity maturity levels. This scheme offers financial assistance to help strengthen and improve the security of e-commerce platforms. This means that when the consumer buys online, there is an extra layer of peace of mind for both the consumers and the suppliers.

The maturity levels in cybersecurity evaluations vary among industries. According to research carried out by an independent entity, the average maturity level amongst e-commerce providers in Europe stands at 2.7 out of 5.

The Mind the Gap portal provides an online platform that is easy to use, and applicants that pass the self-assessment are given an acknowledgement mark. The self-assessment is a questionnaire made up of 50 questions based on international standards and that provides the applicant with a score that indicates the maturity levels of cybersecurity vis-à-vis various categories.

The score from such evaluation indicates both general levels of maturity and specific maturity levels for all categories, with the aim of emphasising the aspects and deficiencies that the entity can address to provide a more secure online experience for its clients.

The applicants have the choice to publish the recognition of having carried out the Cybersecurity Self-Assessment to its users and by doing so, show that they are taking concrete steps in evaluating the Cybersecurity maturity.

Should an applicant identify gaps in the Cybersecurity maturity levels or if the result is not one that is desired, the applicant can use the Cybersecurity Improvement scheme. Through this, the applicant is financially assisted to address identified shortcomings or improve cybersecurity choices and does the Cybersecurity Self-Assessment process. Under’s supervision, this scheme provides up to €10,000 in financing to the applicants to help them improve their Cybersecurity maturity. The prospective applicants can apply for the Cybersecurity Improvement through the Mind the Gap portal once they complete the Cybersecurity Self-Assessment.

More information on the Mind the Gap scheme can be accessed here or by e-mail at

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