Gaulitana: A Festival of Music is again presenting a series of vocal masterclasses by Maltese internationally-renowned soprano Miriam Gauci.

Part of the festival’s GauLearn educational programme, these masterclasses are open to all singers, with passive participation also possible.

The sessions are being held from August 1 to 3 at the MAVC Gozo Visual and Performing Arts School, Xewkija. Francis Camilleri will be the répétiteur in attendance.

A public concert – for which entrance is free − will bring the masterclass to an end. 

The application, to be received by Thursday, July 18, is available here.

Gaulitana: A Festival of Music, currently in its 17th edition, is principally supported by the Investment in Cultural Organisations – Gozo of Arts Council Malta and the Ministry for Go

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