A group of 11 Somali refugees left Malta to start a new life in America last Monday as part of the US permanent refugee resettlement programme.

Since the programme started, over 360 refugees have been resettled in that country.

During a reception held for departing refugees last Friday, US Ambassador Douglas Kmiec said: "America is a land of opportunity whose identity has been forged by generations of immigrants, and I am certain that each of you will find a bright future there as you become a part of our unique and diverse society. Nothing has made me more proud as Ambassador to Malta, then to help you on this journey."

Each refugee will be assigned a sponsor agency that provides initial services, such as housing, food, and clothing, as well as referral to medical care, employment services, and other support once they arrive in the US.

The latest group will be resettled in cities across the US. Ambassador Kmiec also reiterated the US government's commitment to help ease the burden that migration has placed on Malta.

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