Pro-choice activists are to hold a rally in Valletta on Saturday to press the government to introduce abortion.

It will start at 5pm in Castille Square, opposite the prime minister's office.

"We will march in solidarity and call on the government to act and decriminalise abortion," the Voice for Choice coalition said.

The event will also mark the launch of a new campaign, which, the NGO said, will be the first of its kind in Malta, "involving several courageous women".

Earlier this week pro-choice activists invited members of the public for an open discussion on abortion in Valletta. The event was held at city gate.

The NGO said its guests argued that more people than ever before believed in the need to decriminalise abortion, but they acknowledged that continued dialogue is essential to address the stigma that persists within Maltese society.

"The event offered a welcoming and open space for participants to share their concerns. Rather than viewing the abortion debate as a simple black-and-white issue, the activists encouraged people to consider each story on its own merits, fostering empathy and understanding," the NGO said. 

"When personal stories remain unheard, abortion continues to be perceived as a rare occurrence, though, in reality, more than one person in Malta seeks an abortion every day. The fear of speaking out prevents meaningful conversations that could lead to greater tolerance and empathy among those opposed to abortion." 

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