There were 630,859 visitors who stayed in collective accommodation establishments between April and June, the National Statistics Office said. It said they spend a total number of 2,656,752 nights.

Nearly half of them - 46.9%, stayed in 4-star hotels.

The average length of stay in collective accommodation establishments was 4.2 nights  with 68.4% of available bed places being used. 

The NSO noted that in June, there were 269 active collective accommodation establishments with a net capacity of 19,016 bedrooms and 43,555 bed-places.

Regional breakdown

On a regional level, total guests in Malta numbered 601,680, up by 22.4% over the second quarter of 2022. Additionally, an increase of 16.9% was recorded in the number of nights spent, reaching 2,572,748 nights.

Total guests in Gozo and Comino increased by 15.7% to 29,179, while nights increased by 17.4% to 84,004.

When compared with the same quarter of the previous year, in Malta, the average length of stay went down by 0.2 of a night to 4.3 nights. In Gozo and Comino, the average length of stay went up by 0.1 of a night to 2.9 nights.

The net occupancy rate in Malta increased by 10.1 percentage points, reaching 69.6%, and that in Gozo and Comino increased by 3.4 percentage points to 43.9%.

January-June 2023

Total guests in the first half of 2023 amounted to 1,039,848, an increase of 35% over the same period in 2022. Total nights spent increased by 30.5% reaching 4,316,202 nights. The net use of bed-places went up by 12.5 percentage points to 57.2%.


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