Movements in equity and bond indices

The MSE Equity Total Return Index declined further, losing 1.7% and closing at 8,096.992 points. Twenty-two equities were active, with 13 losing ground and five gaining. Total turnover was half that of the previous week as a total of €0.3m was recorded across 115 deals.

The MSE Corporate Bonds Total Return Index closed the week 0.1% higher at 1,176.414 points. Out of 61 active bonds, 25 recorded an increase, whereas 27 declined. The 4.35% SD Finance plc Unsecured € 2027 topped the list of gainers, with a gain of 3.4%, ending the week at par. On the other hand, the 3.75% Bank of Valletta plc Unsecured Sub € 2026-2031 suffered the biggest drop, as it declined by 5.6%, to close at €92.50.

The MSE MGS Total Return Index fell by 0.2%, to end the week at 908.136 points. A total of 19 bonds were active, as three advanced while 13 closed in the opposite direction. The best performing government bond was the 3% MGS 2040 which experienced an increase of 0.2%, to end the week at €91. On the contrary, the 4.00% MGS 2043 suffered a decline of 1%, to close at €103.

Top 10 market movements

The share price of Malta International Airport plc experienced a 0.9% decline, fully erasing the previous week’s gain. The equity returned to the €5.60 level despite trading at a weekly high of €5.70. A total of 14 deals worth €47,440 were executed.

International Hotel Investments plc saw a significant 10% drop in its share price, closing at €0.45. This was the outcome of a single trade worth €1,525. The equity is down 21.7% year-to-date.

The share price of Bank of Valletta plc retracted by 1.4%, ending the week at €1.40. The equity traded at a weekly high of €1.43 and a low of €1.37. A total of 37 deals involving 128,249 shares were executed, recording the largest turnover of €180,690.

Its peer, HSBC Bank Malta plc, followed suit, losing 1.4% from the previous week. The price at the end of the week read €1.40, as nine deals involving 16,478 shares were executed.

Malta Properties Company plc saw a significant 14.1% increase in its share price

In the same sector, APS Bank plc also headed south as a result of 54,328 shares which exchanged ownership across 14 deals. The share price fell by 3.7%, closing the week at a low of €0.52.

Finally, three transactions of 8,578 Lombard Bank Malta plc shares saw the share price close 3.8% in the red at €0.75.

Mapfre Middlesea plc joined the list of losers as a single deal of 432 shares pushed the share price into negative territory. The equity recorded a 14% decline, ending the week at €1.22.

BMIT Technologies plc was among one of the few equities which saw a positive movement. The equity advanced by 8.6%, closing at a weekly high of €0.38. A total of 9,500 shares worth €3,510 exchanged hands across four transactions.

Malta Properties Company plc saw a significant 14.1%

increase in its share price, closing at a weekly high of €0.34. A total of 7,372 shares exchanged hands across four deals.

PG plc experienced a 1.5% decrease in its share price, closing at €1.93. Two deals worth just €1,505 were executed.

Company announcements

Malta Properties Company plc announced that it held its AGM where all the resolutions on the agenda were approved.

This article, compiled by Jesmond Mizzi Financial Advisors Limited, does not intend to give investment advice and the contents therein should not be construed as such. The company is licensed to conduct investment services by the MFSA and is a member of the Malta Stock Exchange and the Atlas Group. The directors or related parties, including the company, and their clients are likely to have an interest in securities mentioned in this article. For further information contact Jesmond Mizzi Financial Advisors Limited at 67, Level 3, South Street, Valletta, tel: 2122 4410, or e-mail

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