Opposition leader Joseph Muscat late last night returned from Libya where he had talks with senior government officials on oil exploration and migration, among other subjects.

He said on his return that the MLP has reached agreement with the Libyan political authorities on the setting up of two committees which will discuss cooperation in the energy sector and in Mediterranean affairs. Should any agreements be reached in the two areas before Labour is returned to power, the MLP will propose the agreements to the government, in the national interest, Dr Muscat said. The first meetings are due to be held before the end of this year.

Dr Muscat said that during talks on illegal migration, the Maltese delegation was given access to part of an agreement between Italy and Libya dealing on this subject.

The Labour leader thanked former Prime Minister Dom Mintoff for his 'continuous interest' in his visit.

He said that although it was not the purpose of his visit to meet Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, the MLP was urging the Libyan leader to accept a pending invitation to visit Malta.

Dr Muscat visited Libya as guest of the Libyan government. He was accompanied by, among others, MLP international secretary Alex Sceberras Trigona.

In his press conference Dr Muscat said the MLP will shortly publish its initial technical analysis of the new utility tariffs proposed by the government. He said it was unacceptable that while, across the world, governments were seeking ways to boost the economy, the opposite was happening in Malta. and it was the economy which was supposed to help the government.

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