In animal studies, high doses of plant oestrogens in soy (isoflavones) have been found to stimulate breast tumour cells.

However, the same effect was not found in human studies.

Indeed, consuming soy-based foods and drinks like tofu, edamame, miso and soy milk, may even have a protective effect towards breast cancer risk and survival.

Soy foods are a powerhouse of beneficial nutrients and have been found to reduce heart disease risk. They also have high-quality protein, fibre and vitamins and minerals. Therefore, you can confidently add soy foods to your diet.

Another common myth is that protein in plants is incomplete, missing some amino acids which are the building blocks of proteins.

In reality, all plant-based foods contain all 20 amino acids, including all nine essential amino acids. The difference is that the proportion of amino acids in plant-based food is not as ideal as animal-based food. Plant-based requires more variety to get the appropriate mix, which includes beans, grains and nuts.

Luckily, getting more than enough protein each day is quite easy.

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