There is a common misconception that Albert Einstein struggled with maths in school, but this isn’t accurate. While he faced challenges with the traditional schooling system, Einstein showed a strong aptitude for maths from a young age. His sister, Maja, recalled his fascination with mathematical puzzles, teaching himself advanced maths from textbooks independently.

This certificate of maturity (below) was issued to Albert Einstein at the age of 17 from Cantonal High School in Aarau, Switzerland. In this scoring scheme, 6 is the highest, and 1 is the lowest grade. According to the report card, Einstein scored 6 in algebra, geometry, descriptive geometry and physics.

Einstein’s difficulties in school were often attributed to his unconventional thinking style and his tendency to question authority, rather than any lack of mathematical ability. In fact, his groundbreaking contributions to physics, including the theory of relativity, required a deep understanding of advanced mathematical concepts.

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