A common misconception is that gluten-free products are automatically healthier than their gluten-containing counterparts. In reality, gluten-free substitutes can often be higher in sugars, fats and additives to compensate for the absence of gluten, which provides texture and structure in baked goods and is commonly used as a binding agent in soups or sauces.

This means that not all gluten-free foods are nutritionally superior. Individuals with coeliac disease must be diligent in their food choices, prioritising unprocessed, naturally gluten-free foods such as fresh fruits, vegetables, legumes, fish and meats.

These whole foods offer essential nutrients without the added sugars and fats found in many processed gluten-free products. The same dietary advice for maintaining a healthy diet ultimately applies to both coeliac and non-coeliac individuals: focus on whole, minimally processed foods to ensure balanced nutrition.

Additionally, reading nutrition labels and being aware of the ingredients in processed food products is crucial for making healthier choices.  

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