Imagine being taught painting ever since you were young: you learn all the tools and techniques, but that’s all you’re ever taught. They show you revolutionary paintings without acknowledging any artistic qualities, but only their technical qualities; you’re not encouraged to paint from imagination but only to replicate. You’d likely think painting to be dull.

Fortunately, that’s not how painting is taught, but tragically, that’s how mathematics is taught, mutating a poisoned perception of mathematics. Mathematics is not just tools and techniques, but their usage to create numerical expressions of our ideas and of nature’s; there are strict rules to adhere to, but rules encourage creativity, not impede it.

With such limitations, mathematicians have forged fascinating things: the power of knowing without measurement; the creation of multiple dimensions; shapes which extend to infinity; the existence of infinities larger than infinities; even the prediction of the future!

Discovering these expressions elicit a sense of wonder akin to exploring an uncharted world; they may seem strange or even illogical, but that’s what mathematics allows: to form things that none of our senses could possibly represent. It’s difficult to shed our tainted perception but I assure you that mathematics is a passionate subject which strives for sublimity; it’s time for its beauty to be seen as any piece of art is!


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