A common misconception is that logical reasoning is not a skill one can improve upon. We all have a logical way of thinking that we may not be fully aware of. Nevertheless, one can familiarise themselves with this skill and master it by solving problems like the one in the main article. Isn’t logical reasoning abstract and theoretical, though? The answer is clearly no.

Logical reasoning is an analytical approach to decision-making. It involves considering facts, making connections, thinking outside the box and reaching a sensible conclusion. This approach can be, of course, implemented at work and in real-life situations.

In our daily lives, most of our thoughts and conversations are triggered by logical reasoning. For instance, we know that if today is Sunday, then tomorrow is Monday.

This statement is a no-brainer. On the other hand, if May 26, 2024, is a Sunday, then May 26, 2023, was a Friday, requires a bit of thought. Now consider a harder statement:  if May 26, 2024, is a Sunday then June 26, 2024 is a ______.

It shouldn’t take you more than a minute to fill in the gap. If you enjoy this sort of game, then I’m sure you’ll enjoy reading about mathematics because this is what it boils down to. The goal of mathematicians is essentially to obtain new information using a known fact or condition.

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