Let’s put the pro-life vs pro-choice debate to the side for a second and talk about contraception.

The morning-after pill (or Plan B) is an emergency contraceptive method available over the counter in Malta. There are two main types of the morning-after pill. The first has high concentrations of levonorgestrel, a synthetic compound similar to the hormone progesterone, which prevents ovulation. The second, named EllaOne, is generally considered the most effective method and includes a compound that affects the normal functioning of progesterone and thus stops or delays ovulation.

The morning-after pill prevents fertilisation and pregnancy

During ovulation, an egg is released from the ovary. Fertilisation occurs when the egg merges with a sperm cell, followed by implantation of the fertilised egg on the lining of the uterus. As such, the morning-after pill prevents fertilisation and pregnancy.

Since abortion implies the termination of an ongoing pregnancy, the morning-after pill cannot be considered an abortion method. If you are already pregnant upon taking the emergency contraceptive, the pill won’t affect the embryo.

The morning-after pill is a valuable resource for when other contraceptive methods fail. However, it doesn’t protect against sexually transmitted infections. The best is to be safe and wear a condom.

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