The film Gravity left us glued to the screens when it premiered in 2013. The initial incident shows a missile that is launched to destroy a country’s own ex-spy satellite.
However, this also creates space debris, causing the destruction of other communication satellites orbiting the planet.
In the meantime, the crew of a space shuttle are seen orbiting the Hubble telescope during a repair mission.
The crew is plunged into radio blackout because of the high amount of debris, and the destruction of many communication satellites.
In turn, the shuttle is hit and most of the astronauts die as they were in the direct path of the high-speed swarm of space junk orbiting our planet.
While there is a lot of space junk orbiting our planet, the satellites of different countries orbit at different inclinations or altitudes.
While the possibility of such a collision is improbable, the increase of space junk accumulating around the Earth requires extensive planning to ensure that such events do not occur.