A young teenager cycled 127km around Malta in five hours on Sunday in aid of Puttinu, the foundation which assists young cancer patients needing treatment abroad. 

Neil Cassar, a 13-year-old triathlete from Żejtun was accompanied on parts of the route by around 100 cyclists who helped him achieve his impressive feat.

“I did well,” he said without showing any noticeable signs of exhaustion at the finish.

Leading up to the cycle Cassar trained six times a week with the help of his coach, ironman athlete Fabio Spiteri, who also joined him on the route.

"He is in top form, trust me I will have to slow him down not to split the group," Spiteri said in a post on Facebook before the cycle.

Neil Cassar with his coach Fabio Spiteri. Photo: Jonathan Borg.Neil Cassar with his coach Fabio Spiteri. Photo: Jonathan Borg.

The group of cyclists took advantage of the lovely weather and started off from Msida church at 7 am, going around the island until they arrived at the starting point again.

Cassar broke a record that he set earlier this year, when he cycled 100km around Malta in under four hours.

Previously, the route avoided the hillier parts of the north, but this time Cassar faced the hills head-on.

His love for cycling began with a balance bike, gliding along the Marsascala promenade and exploring the public gardens in Żejtun, eventually propelling him to rank among Malta’s top young athletes.

“I feel free and peaceful when I am cycling and, in the future, I hope to continue practising the sports, maybe even going abroad to compete,” Cassar had told Times of Malta earlier this year.

This year, Cassar came first overall in the Cisk 0.0 XC National Point Series 2024. Last year, he came first in the Ti2 EuroSport Duathlon race organised by Agones SFC.

For those who wish to donate: BOV Mobile: Puttinu BOV Mobile, 7949 9423.

BOV Bank Transfer: Beneficiary Name: Puttinu Cares, Account Number: 40018122134, IBAN: IBAN: MT70VALL22013000000040018122134, Swift Code: VALLMTMT.

HSBC Transfer: Beneficiary Name: Puttinu Cares, Account Number 089077341001, IBAN: MT55MMEB44897000000089077341001, Swift Code: MMEBMTMT.

Neil Cassar in front of the Msida church at the end of the cycle. Photo: Jonathan Borg.Neil Cassar in front of the Msida church at the end of the cycle. Photo: Jonathan Borg.

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