Deloitte has announced that John Debattista has been appointed to the position of director with Deloitte Malta where he shall practice in the areas of audit and assurance.

Debattista is a seasoned professional with a wealth of experience in the field of financial reporting and auditing. He was a co-founder of professional practice here in Malta where he was responsible for the Assurance and Business Advisory teams for over 10 years. Debattista holds a Bachelor of Accountancy (Hons) from the University of Malta and is proficient in International Standards on Auditing and IFRS.

Deloitte Malta said that the addition of Debattista to the Audit & Assurance team demonstrates the focus to achieving growth objectives and signifies ongoing commitment to enhancing the depth of Deloitte Malta's expertise and delivering the highest quality of service to clients.

Marc Alden, Chief Executive Officer at Deloitte Malta said: “I would like to welcome and congratulate John on achieving this strategic and significant goal. We are confident that his outstanding contribution will enable our Malta firm to continue pursuing and achieving its purpose and to continue providing outstanding service to our clients."

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