Fairs in Malta have their roots in the Naxxar fair, which remains a source of nostalgia for many. Reuben Caruana of Sign It Ltd. was involved in the fairs and, after the Naxxar fair ended, it was relocated to Ta’ Qali with a slightly different format. Years later, Caruana, together with Polidano Group, created il-Fiera l-Kbira at the Montekristo Estate, which continued until the outbreak of the pandemic.

Although the fair could have resumed in 2022, the organisers decided to take a break to give il-Fiera l-Kbira a new lease of life. In this year's edition, DANUSAN has joined the original organisers Charles Polidano and Reuben Caruana to add a touch of nostalgia for the Naxxar fair.

The fair will be divided into 16 different sections, each offering a unique experience to visitors. These sections include leisure and adventures, sustainable agri farming, EKODJAR, fitness and nutrition, pets areas, motor and marine, family business, Glam Palace, weddings and events, health care zone and my well-being, D'Kitchen Show, home styling, kids space, tech hub, career hub, and The Book Fest.

The fair aims to provide visitors with an unforgettable experience in each section. Additionally, there will be a special stage that will offer ongoing gifts and awards throughout the evening. Exhibitors will be assisted in creating engaging displays to entertain visitors. Moreover, there will be a studio where exhibitors can be interviewed to showcase what they have at the fair. Calypso will also be broadcast from the fair, providing listeners with information about what exhibitors are offering.

Entertainment will be a key feature of il-Fiera l-Kbira, with daily concerts, activities for children, and a wide selection of food. Visitors can even bring their furry friends, as there will be a dedicated area for pets to have fun too.

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