Gozo Minister Justyne Caruana inaugurated the refurbished square in Xewkija. The project, carried out by the Gozo Ministry, cost €1 million.

St John the Baptist Square underwent a complete overhaul in just seven months, with all services and cables being transferred underground. Traffic has been organised in such a way that it will not occupy all the space within the square, which now includes a pedestrian area.

Dr Caruana said that this infrastructural investment in Xewkija was not an isolated instance as it formed part of a chain of projects in the village, which included the rebuilding of three roads, the upgrading of an abandoned wooded grove and the restoration of a historic windmill.

The square was blessed by Xewkija archpriest Daniel Xerri, while the Precursor Band, Xewkija Tigers Football Club (including the nursery) and the parish children choir, Ulied il-Battista, under the direction of Amy Rapa, took part in the inaugural event.

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