Ivan Tabone was appointed registrar general of shipping and seamen for Transport Malta within the Ministry for Transport, Infrastructure and Capital Projects. The appointment comes into effect on December 1.

Tabone graduated as doctor of laws from the University of Malta before furthering his legal studies by reading for a master’s degree in maritime law at the IMO International Maritime Law Institute (IMLI).

He occupied the position of deputy chief officer within the Merchant Shipping Directorate of the authority for transport in Malta for the past seven years. He possesses a strong dedication to the human element within the maritime sector and has held the position of head of the Seafarer Department. In this role, he oversees critical responsibilities such as seafarer training, certification and welfare.

Tabone has also been entrusted with numerous specialised projects conducted periodically. Furthermore, his extensive expertise has afforded him the opportunity to actively engage with international bodies. He has repeatedly represented his organisation on international platforms, including the International Maritime Organisation, the European Maritime Safety Agency, the European Commission and the International Labour Organisation.

Transport Malta chief executive officer Jonathan Borg wished all the success to Tabone in his new post and thanked Ivan Sammut, for his tireless work throughout the years. Sammut has been appointed head of office of the Regional Marine Pollution Emergency Response Centre (REMPEC).

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