Operators of Ta’ Qali’s new concert zone have applied to build three more emergency exits to fulfil a safety requirement by the Civil Protection Department.

The €16 million venue was opened in May and is due to host two Take That concerts in October.

According to a planning application, which is awaiting recommendation, the three new exit routes are to improve the safety of users.

It also seeks to link the stage area with the underground backstage area by stairs and lifts.

So far, the concert area has four exits: three in the front and one by the side.

Another three – two in the front and one by the side – will be added but will only be used in cases of emergencies, sources explained.

This was a safety requirement that was demanded by the Civil Protection Department.

The open-air concert area has not yet been used for large events and has an audience capacity of 17,000 people

The open-air concert area has not yet been used for large events and has an audience capacity of 17,000 people. 

Forming part of the Ta’ Qali National Park, the concert project added 52,000 square metres to the national park.

The site on which the park extension was carried out was previously home to a concrete factory and an illegal dumping site. The concert area had to be raised due to the heaps of rubble and debris left on the site by the factory.

Plans for the site were first unveiled in 2019 and a public call was issued one year later.

The project has underground dressing rooms and backstage facilities and a building with a clinic and security control room.

The park area – which includes the concert zone – features green areas equivalent to 20 football grounds, a theatre, exhibition hall, a piazza, new walkways, fountains and parking for 500 cars. 

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