Updated 7.10pm with TM reply

A number of boats recently bought by Transport Malta have been deemed unsuitable by the regulator's own surveyor, but are still being used, despite the risk to users, the Nationalist Party said on Monday.

It demanded an explanation of the €500,000 procurement and why the Rigid Hull Inflatable Boats had continued to be used despite being deemed unseaworthy. 

Transport Malta took delivery of the five RHIBS over the past months. 

The shadow minister for maritime affairs, Ivan Castillo, condemned Transport Malta for insisting that its maritime enforcement officials should continue to use them, saying this appeared to be an attempt to avert a situation where the funds spent could be recovered.

In a statement late on Monday, TM said it had formally complained about the boats with the supplier and had not yet processed any payment for the vessels.

It said that while the National Audit Office was looking into the matter, TM was looking into its legal options. 

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