Prof. David Attard was this morning appointed University Chancellor for the next seven years. Prof. Attard is the man whose efforts won Malta international acclaim for its role on climate change.

He is taking over from Prof. John Rizzo Naudi, who has been in the post for 15 years.

Speaking during a ceremony at the Presidential Palace in Valletta, Prof. Attard promised to do his duty in line with the law.

He said he was proud of the relationship between the university and the President and noted that the University, which was one of Malta’s treasures, was facing bigger challenges now that the country was a member of the European Union.

President George Abela said he admired Prof. Attard as a scholar and an academic who had graduated from the University of Malta. His fame was international and he had also worked in the maritime sector.

The post of chancellor is the most senior at university. He has to ensure that the university is acting in line with local legislation.

There are currently 11,000 students at University and another 3,000 at the Junior College. The institution employed 1,500 people.

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