NGOs and private companies have been invited to join the fourth edition of the Islands Cleanup Campaign, spearheaded by the environment ministry and Project Green.

The campaign was launched with a a cleanup event at Gnejna Bay and valley.

Project Green will plant two trees for every ton of waste collected.

Last year’s Islands Cleanup campaign collected over 2,000 tons of waste and 4,000 trees were planted.

The Islands Cleanup campaign is held every year and seeks to raise public awareness about protecting valleys and coastal areas. Private companies, schools, NGOs, and any other groups are encouraged to register their own cleanup event . They will be provided with the necessary equipment, including gloves, bags, waste vehicles, and safety instructions to ensure a safe and efficient cleanup process.

Participants will also be assisted in weighing the waste they collect during their event, which will be separated on-site in line with applicable waste separation regulations to ensure that all recyclable material is processed for recycling. All participating organizations will receive a certificate of participation for their efforts towards a better environment.

Registration is free of charge.

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