Overnight roadworks will be carried out on the bridge connecting Swieqi and St Julian’s next week, with diversions expected and traffic reduced to one lane in both directions.

The works will take place over four nights, with northbound works scheduled for April 9 and 16 and southbound works for April 10 and 17.

During the works, which will take place between 7pm and 5am, traffic flow will be reduced to one lane, and some diversions will take place.

Diversions while northbound works are taking place. Northbound in green, southbound in blue.  Photo: Google Maps/IM.Diversions while northbound works are taking place. Northbound in green, southbound in blue.  Photo: Google Maps/IM.

To view a map of disruptions while northbound works are taking place, click here. For southbound disruptions, click here.

Diversions while southbound works are taking place. Northbound in green, southbound in bluePhoto: Google Maps/IM.Diversions while southbound works are taking place. Northbound in green, southbound in bluePhoto: Google Maps/IM.

According to Infrastructure Malta, the works are being done to repair cracks in the road surface.

It said it planned to repair the cracks, caused by water damage, by removing the road surface, reinforcing it, then pouring fresh concrete.

The agency stressed that despite concerns raised about the structural integrity of the bridge, it was not at risk. The concerns were raised last month by  independent MEP candidate Arnold Cassola, who questioned whether the bridge was on the “verge of collapsing” - 

“The current bridge does not pose an imminent danger,” a spokesperson for Infrastructure Malta said, stressing plans to demolish the bridge, which were still being considered, were part of a wider project announced last January to improve the area.

He said the roadworks were being done as part of a “comprehensive maintenance programme” to prevent current damage to public infrastructure from getting worse.

The spokesperson said the works, which started in November and would continue until May, were taking place on 34 roads and covering 13 kilometres in total.

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