A nightclub bouncer who allegedly stepped in to break up an argument between a man and his partner, was granted bail on Tuesday after being accused of punching the man and causing him grievous injuries.

The incident took place on July 31 at Gianpula Village, when the bouncer, Jean Paul Azzopardi, 29 of Cospicua punched a man who was quarrelling with his girlfriend at around 3am. The victim has since complained of vision problems. 

Azzopardi pleaded not guilty to causing grievous injuries, breaching the peace and working as a security officer without a valid licence. He also denied  breaching two bail decrees.

A request for bail was objected to, mainly because the prosecution deemed Azzopardi to be untrustworthy. Most of his previous brushes with the law involved violence, prosecuting Inspector Roderick Agius argued. Had the accused used his common sense, he would not have intervened in the couple’s argument and the incident could have been avoided.

But the accused’s lawyer, Franco Debono, highlighted the fact that almost one month had lapsed since the alleged incident and although he knew that he was a suspect, his client had not approached any witnesses and had gone to the police when summoned.

Magistrate Gabriella Vella granted bail against a deposit of €500 and a personal guarantee of €5000, among other conditions.  

Lawyer Francesca Zarb was also defence counsel.

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